Tuesday, 22 April 2014

30 Day Shred | 10 day update level 1 Results

Pheweee level 1 of Gillian Michael's 30 day shred done! 

I have really enjoyed having an exercise and a focus over the last week or so. As mentioned in my 5 day Update, there were days when I could not be bothered and was left wondering why am I doing this? However, the thing that kept me going was the results I had already seen. I could physically see the difference and that really spurred me on.

I had 3 days off during my first level, which is absolutely fine.  You can have 1 or 2 days off per week. And I definitely needed them.

Sooo, here are my 30 days shred level 1 results

Hopefully you can tell which is before and after :-) For the avoidance of doubt, left is BEFORE and right is AFTER.  My muscles are tighter, I feel fitter, more confident and there is definitely less to pinch around my sides and stomach.  I have also noticed my jeans are looser around the bottom and hip.

Onwards and upwards, level 2 here I come!!!

Have you tried the 30 day shred?