I was so very kindly invited to get a hair teatment of my choice at the newly refurbished Tiffany Hair and Beauty Salon in Aberdeen, Scotland in conjunction with Bumble and Bumble Hair products. I hummed and haad over what to get done to my hair as I have been thinking about ombre for summer but I settled on a good ol' fashioned cut and blowdry (my hair was definitely in need). I was so excited at the prospect of a little pampering. Plus I am looking for a new hairdresser so this was perfect timing.
When I arrived I was greeted by some very smiley and friendly reception staff. They took my jacket and kindly asked me to sit down, a minute later I was introduced to my hair stylist Elaine who was super duper lovely.
After getting in to the delightful (and attractive) black satin cape I was offered a cup of tea (yes please) and discussed with Elaine what I was looking for. I explained I like my hair to look thick, healthy and I wanted some sort of graduation at the front so I can wear my hair up a la Cheryl Cole in the Call my name Music Video. She really listened which made me feel like I was in safe hands :-)
Now it was time for a lovely shampoo and chat with the lovely lass who was going to wash my hair...
The Lovely Laura (Laura Liparazzi I call her after her blog name) was sitting behind me and I was spying on her in the mirror while she received her hair treatment. Her hair is such a gorgeous blonde and so thick (very Jell). Visit her blog here to see for yourself.
During my hair cut Elaine told me all about each product she was using. I really enjoyed this part. Normally hair dressers just do a bit of this and that but don't explain any of it and I am a girl who likes to know stuff!
I was also really interested in some of the hair treatments which Laura had too including the Bumble and Bumble Creme de Coco hair mask. I might just have to get me some of that.
Now the Bumble & Bumble products look and smell lovely. Here are some pics and a run down of what was used on my mop...

Products Used
Bumble & Bumble let it shine shampoo and conditioner
Bumble & Bumble Prep
Bumble & Bumble Thickening Spray
Bumble & Bumble Hairdresser's invisible oil
Bumble & Bumble Semisumo
So... 1 hour later I was feeling super fabulous! I liked everything about my experience from the lovely staff at Tiffany's hair and Beauty to the fab Bumble and Bumble products which have left my hair looking and feeling delightfully thick, bouncy and healthy! Even after 3 days!
So without futher a do I bring to you my before and after...
What do you think beauties?
Have you used any of the Bumble & Bumble Products?
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