Thursday, 15 November 2012

My Top Tips to Navigating a Discount Shop & Getting the Best Bargains!!

I love discount shops from TK Maxx and the pound store to Outlet Centres like Christian Dior and Burberry. When discussing this with friends there is always and overwhelming moan of I can't be bothered, I can never find anything...

So I decided to do this blog to give an insight in to how I get the most out of 'outlet and bargain' shopping...

★ Time

Make sure you have pleeeenty of time. Don't expect to go in there for 5 minutes, get the best stuff and be out. Most of the time it is busy so allow for extra time to navigate around other shoppers. If I go there when I am in a hurry I just get annoyed. I like to browse and have a really good search. So park your car somewhere you don't have to worry about rushing back to it.

 Travel Light

Don't take too much stuff in to the shop with you. Carry the bare minimum. If possible only your phone and your bank card, put them somewhere safe like in a zip trouser pocket.  A jacket isn't a good idea.. where will you put it if you need to try anything on? It may get too hot if it is busy so dress light too! The lighter the better.


Stick to a budget. If I don't have one I get carried away very easily and end up spending too much then it's not really a bargain. So if I have something in mind like Xmas decoration for example I will give myself a £30 budget. Or if I am going in for a couple of sets of underwear I will say £40. 

 Have a list

It is so easy to waste money when bargain shopping. Just because something is reduced or has a red sticker you pick it up, buy it then realise you don't need it at all. So make a list on paper, your phone or even just in your head.  What is it that you need? Try to be specific. If you need shoes what type; black heels, flat boots? And stick to only looking for what you need.

So with all this in mind I popped out to TK Maxx this evening...

My List
1.Something Christmassy I can put out in my home now (a candle or wreath?)- £12
2.Moisturising face cream - £8

Total Budget

An hour later here is what I came out with:

Moisturiser, fake tan, Xmas dish towels

Famous Dave's Tanner

Skin Lab Lift & Firm Daily Moisturiser

Looks lovely and creamy

How cute are these?

How do you think they look?

2 x Christmas themed dish towels - £3.99
Famous Dave's fake tanner        - £5 (rrp £27.99)
Skin Lab Moisturiser             - £4 (rrp £12)
TOTAL £12.99
Savings  £30.99

I am really pleased with everything I bought. Ok I didn't quite stick to my list but I have wanted to try Famous Dave's tanner for a while and at £5 I couldn't resist.

How do you think I did? Let me know your top bargain shopping tips!!

Lots of Love Ashly xxx