Today I am going to share with you how I go about dip dying my hair. It really is very quick and easy. I have some hair extensions in at the moment but it is the same method if your hair is all natural.
I am going to be using Schwarzcopf Live Color XXL Ultra Brights. This is a perfect hair dye for anybody who wants to experiment with colour. It washes out after 5-6 washes and causes no damage to your hair. You could also switch up the type of dye used and go for something more permanent. It looks to me like Sprinkle of Glitter has used a very similar colour to this one for her hair.
The first thing I do is make sure that I am wearing old clothes so I don't ruin anything. I also protect the area I am working in or go somewhere like the bathroom that is easier to clean. I prepare well by cutting out strips of tinfoil about 4 inches wide. Once this is done, I pop on my gloves and I am ready to go.
I gentle squeeze a palm sized amount of pink dye in to the mixing bowl. If you have shorter hair or are only doing a small section try a soup spoon sized amount. Depending on how bright I want my dip dye to be will help me decide how much conditioner I add to the bowl. Any conditioner will do. I start by squeezing in a small amount and giving it a good mix. The colour in the bowl is pretty much how it will turn out on your hair so I find it fairly easy to get the colour right. I keep adding conditioner until I get the right colour. Once I have the right shade of pink I also need a slightly lighter version to blend in the dip dye where it meets my natural hair colour. For this I simply add more conditioner to one side of the bowl and keep that separate.
It is time to apply. I clip up half of my hair and work with one side at a time. Separating my hair in to small sections I take the first one and place the tin foil behind my hair. Carefully brushing the mixture on to my hair making sure that it is liberally covered. Because this is a dip dye, I don't want any straight lines at the join so I use the brush to create some uneven strokes with the lighter shade mixture at the top. Make sure you turn over your hair on the foil and coat the other side too. I fold over the tinfoil and move on to the next section. I end up with 6 sections of tinfoil.
The dye grips very quickly so if you don't want it bright I only leave on for 10 minutes. This time I chose to leave it on for 20 minutes and briefly blasted some hot air on to the tinfoil strips with a hairdryer.
After removing the tinfoil I run the dyed parts of my hair under warm water until the water runs clear. I choose not to shampoo because I find that due to adding the conditioner during the dying process it makes my hair extra silky.
And here are the results...
What do you think? Do you fancy giving it a try yourself?
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