
Wednesday 19 November 2014

Work out Wear on the High Street

Nothing makes me want to hit the gym faster than new work out gear!! Some high street shops have a great selection, nice bright colours and good prices.  Some of my favourites are H & M, Victoria's Secret and Primark.  I do think high street shops are missing a trick not stocking funky work out gear... after all isn't this the year we saw the rise of the #gymselfie

Neon Pink Yoga Cowl Hoody £8 // Primark
Skinny Jogger £7 // Primark

Where do you get your workout wardrobe?

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Procrastination killing your success?

There is no bigger killer of success than procrastination or lack of motivation.  You make lists but don't complete them.  There just seems to be so much to do before you can get round to your actual task... sound familiar?

The sad truth is, if you don't have motivation all you will ever have are dreams and goals with no successful outcome and you will continue to procrastinate.

In the past I have found it difficult to motivate myself.  Whether it is getting up in the morning to workout when you just wanna turn that darn alarm off and get back under those warm covers, or something as seemingly simple as writing an email.   It appears procrastination is everywhere at times.

So here are some fantastic ways I use to motivate myself that always work!!

1. Work out why? Have vision

You have to know WHY you are doing something.  What is your motivation? What will you gain from completing your task/goal.  This is necessary for the times when you really want to give up. Remind yourself of this why, it will spur you on.  Be as specific as possible with your 'why'.  This is where the vision comes in.

Create a vision board (use pinterest if you like) put on there what you want the outcome of your task/goal to be.  Want to loose weight? add pictures of the bodies you aspire to have, the food you want to eat, the clothes you will wear.  Want to have a successful business? Pin pictures of the car you want, the home, the holidays you will go on.  It is all about being specific, what colour of bikini will you wear? What colour will your new car be?

Put pictures up around the house to remind yourself of your vision.  When I feel really low, I simply work on my 'vision boards'.  This always gets me excited and motivated again.

Visualisation is no joke when it comes to success and motivation.  How many times have you heard somebody successful talking about how they imagined themselves in the position they are now years previously? When Jim Carey was broke and a 'nobody' he would visualise himself getting acting roles.  He even wrote himself a cheque for $10,000,000 for 'acting services rendered', he dated it thankgiving 1995 and put it in his wallet and kept it there.  Just before that date he got the role in Dumb and Dumber and found out he was going to make $10,000,000.

2. Be Positive  

"Research shows happiness increases productivity and makes you more successful"
 So lets get happy! Sit down with a pad of paper and take 15 minutes to make a list of 10 successes in your life, big or small.  It can be anything from winning a race at your school sports day to getting a new job.  Whatever it is, the thought you create when remembering the event will trigger positive feelings.

When you wake up in the morning try listing (in your head or on paper) 5 people you are grateful for in your life.  Try playing an upbeat song that makes you jump up and dance around. 

Think about it... what is going to make you want to get up and get on with your day, thinking about how you've done nothing and you are a waste of space or being positive and feeling like you are on the right track?

3. Feel the Fear & do it anyway!

Are you procrastinating because you are afraid? Maybe you are afraid to fail or afraid to succeed. Either way fear is something that holds everyone back at one time or another.

I see many quotes about not being afraid, but the truth is fear is always going to be there. So instead of trying 'not to be scared' which I believe is virtually impossible, or waiting until you are 'not afraid' anymore.  You have to feel the fear and do it anyway.  Understand that anything new will probably make you feel anxious, nervous or afraid but you can't let that stop you.

After all nothing great was ever accomplished from staying within our comfort zones.  If you feel nervous or afraid, that is a good thing! It means you are growing, that you are stretching yourself!  So go out there and just get it done!!!

I hope this helped a little. 
I would love to hear any tips on how you motivate yourself

Ashly x

Thursday 30 October 2014

Street Style // 1

What I wore
Trainers // Diesel
Jeans // H & M
Tee // Zoe Karssen
Jacket // Second Female
Bag // Chanel Shopper Tote
Bracelet // Necklace from Accessorize
Rings // accessorize
Nail polish // Barry M Berry Cosmo & Dutchess

Meet my best buddy Samyouel
Trainers // Converse
Jeans // H & M (oooh matchies)
Bag // Zara
Shirt // Vintage Ralph Lauren
Jacket // Vintage from Rokit

Photography by Sid Scott
Follow Sid on instagram

Ashly xxx

Wednesday 29 October 2014

To Tattoo or not to Tattoo that is the question

For a while now I have been thinking about getting a tattoo.  I know I know it is not a decision to be taken lightly.  Tattoos are for life, not just for Christmas ya know.  So where better to ask for the best advice but my readers?

I want a tattoo with meaning.  I want to look at it everyday and remind myself of the hard times I have been through, how I am so much stronger now than I have ever been.  I want it to give me strength.  Here are some ideas of what I want...

I like the idea of hearts and flying birds, for me they signify love, freedom, hope and power.

So what do you think?  Do you have any tattoos or would you get one?

Ashly xxx

Thursday 16 October 2014

Arbonne RE9 cellular renewal mask review

I aim to use the purest, cruelty free, natural products I possibly can.   This can prove difficult when you need a product that works and works well.  Today I am excited to review the Arbonne RE9 Cellular Renewal Mask (£52) for a couple of reasons.  Firstly because it is VEGAN and secondly because it actually works!

Here is what Arbonne has to say:

"Enhanced formula with gentle cellular exfoliation visibly improves skin tone and texture, minimises the appearance of pores, and provides skin with an immediate, radiant glow"

Directions are as follows:

"Use 1–2 times per week at night. After cleansing and drying skin, smooth a generous layer of masque over face, avoiding eyelids or getting into eyes. Leave masque on for 5–7 minutes. Slight transient tingling or redness may be experienced and is normal for a masque of this type. If irritation occurs, stop use immediately and consult a dermatologist. Rinse with tepid water or use a warm washcloth. Pat dry and follow with serum and night crème".

I have been using the mask as adviced and seen massive results.  At first I only left it on for 2 minutes because I started to feel it tingling, now 4 months later I can leave it on for around 7-8 minutes.  Afterwards my skin feels like silk. I do get some redness after use which disappears after 10-20 minutes.

I found it especially useful if I had a breakout, using this on 2 consecutive days would dramatically improve my skins overall condition.  It is great to know that when those pesky sposts appear, I now have something which actually helps.

I have just finished my first tub after 4-5 months and purchased my second.  The RE9 Cellular renewal mask is quickly becoming one of my desert island products.

"Algae extract supports collagen through moisturisation to help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles" and "Pineapple and papaya enzymes gently exfoliate and remove dead skin cells".

Overall I am really impressed with this product - hence my excitement to share it.

Ashly x

Monday 6 October 2014

#LushChristmas Launch event

As most of you know I strive to only use cruelty free and pure brands for my skincare and personal care products. So when Lush invited me to review their Christmas range of course I said yes.

Lush is not a brand I currently use but I contantly see reviews and pictures on my twitter feed so thought I had better go along and see what all the fuss was about. 

100% vegetarian, handmade and fighting animal testing.

The girls at Lush Aberdeen were super friendly and kind showing us all the festive bath bombs and soaps.  I love the names they choose for everything like snow angel, yog nog and reindeer rock... very kitch!

I am not a fan of strongly scented anything so some of the products were not to my taste but there are some with subtle fragrances which I really loved like the Lush snow white bath bomb (£3.30).  I had a lot of fun with the Snowman kit too which is a great gift for youngsters, they can mould their own snowman in the bath and then use it to wash their hair.

Will you be purchasing any of the Lush Christmas favourites this season?

Love Ashly

Saturday 20 September 2014

Flat Belly Water

Fruit infused water not only tastes amazing but, if like me you find it a struggle to get your water fix daily because you don't enjoy drinking it plain by the glass.  Infused water is perfect!

You may have heard of this before but it is something I do now daily and it certainly spices up plain old tap water.

There are an abundance of reasons why we should be drinking plenty of water on a daily basis, maintaining a flat belly being one of them.  Flushes out toxins, increases energy and improves skin complexion being a few others.  A sure fire way to tell if you are dehydrated or in need of more water is dark urine, headaches, lack of energy of feeling light headed.

VOSS (£2.29 for 800ml) glass water bottles are perfect, and can be recycled afterwards.

A couple of my favourite fruit infused water recipes are below (add ice cubes if you like it cold)

1. Strawberry Tart
Chop strawberrys, Lemon slices and fresh Mint leaves

2. Orangina Cooler
Slice Orange & Cucumber

3. Cherries Jubilee
Diced Pineapple & Whole cut Cherries


Love Ashly

Thursday 18 September 2014

Life is for living

It has been a while in the making, with time spent reflecting and questioning.  I started blogging 2 years ago and a lot has changed for me since then.  I am at a great place in my life and while I love beauty blogging, it just wasn't enough for me anymore. Since I switched to a cruelty free and more natural lifestyle, I found it increasingly difficult to fill my blog with new posts .  I tried to incorporate fashion, but it wasn't getting me 'excited',  I lost my blogger buzz.  

Then, I began reading fitness blogs and following new accounts on instagram and became really inspired again.

So I am incredibly excited to bring you the new and improved Fit for life Ashly London.  My focus will be on being the best you, fitness, nutrition, travel, fashion, some beauty and all round inspiration for living the best and most healthy happy life possible.

I hope that you continue on this journey with me in to the next phase of Ashly London, and my life.  I am so so excited for what the future holds (for us all).  I appreciate you all for following and connecting with me over the past 2 years. You have been a life line at times...


Love Ashly

Monday 1 September 2014

What I Wore // Here comes Autumn

Tee // Zoe Karssen £60
Jeans // J Brand coated 901 £220
Boots // Zara £40

Love these berry jeans.. have you got your autumn colours out yet?

Lots of Love Ash x
Don't forget you can follow me on

Sunday 10 August 2014

Real Technniques Retractable Bronzer Brush

When I saw this new Real Techniques retractable bronzer brush (£7.99) in Boots, I had to pick it up. I'm a little obsessed with makeup brushes and this was one I didn't even know about.. How could I have missed it?

And there are more Real Techniques brushes for 2014 in the pipeline. how exciting is that? I let out a little squeal when I saw this pic on Pixiwoos facebook...
Real Techniques brushes - New for Christmas 2014

I will do a full review once I have been using the brush for a little longer, but so far I am really enjoying using it for liquid foundation application.  The bristles are super soft and give an airbrushed finish.

Have you picked up any of the new Real Techniques retractable brushes?

Ashly xxx

Tuesday 5 August 2014

REVIEW | HotHair Brianna 3/4 Wig Glazed Strawberry*

The folks at hot hair very kindly asked if I wanted to try out one of their new hair pieces.  After the success and compliments I received using my clip in fishtail plait (review here) I jumped at the chance.

I was sent the Brianna 3/4 wig* by HotHair in the colour glazed strawberry R29S. It is a 3/4 wig with waves through the ends.  I have to say it did not disappoint. 
It arrived in a lovely box - great for storage. Wrapped in a net, with not a strand out of place.  I was very impressed.  The colour was as close to perfect as possible.  Obviously the texture is different to human hair, as this piece is synthetic.

Easy to apply, with hair grips and clips.  Takes 2 minutes to put in place (perfect if you are in a rush but still want to look fab).  You do need to cover the seam though. I back combed the front of my hair and pulled it straight back, securing in place with Kirby grips (bobby pins), which did the trick.

What I liked most about this hair piece is that it is so versatile.  You can quite easily put your hair up in a pony tail or braid the piece, it blends in really well and looks fab.  It gives your hair up that extra bit of thickness and volume, who doesn't want that?

I would say if you are going to wear this piece straight down, it is probably best worn on a night, just because the texture is slightly different to human hair.  Either that or easily wear it styled up (as mentioned previously) for the day, it looks all the more natural that way.

I have to say I absolutely love my Brianna 3/4 hair piece by Hot Hair...  Hair style tutorials with it coming very soon.

Lots of Love Ash x

Don't forget you can follow me on

Monday 4 August 2014

GUEST POST | What Colour of Eyeshadow should I wear?

Hi everyone!! Today I have a guest post for you from one of my absolute favourite people.  We may not have known each other a long time but I know we are life long buds for sure.  Not only is she an amazing person and super gorgeous but she is an extremely talented makeup artsist too.  So listen up and make sure you go and follow her blog ...

Hi guys! Today I wanted to show you a purple look that I created. It is perfect for those of you who have green, brown, or hazel eyes. Following color wheel theory, purple is a complimentary opposite of green, brown, and hazel eyes. If you use, green shadows on green eyes, brown shadows on brown/hazel eyes - your eye color won't "POP" as much as it could.

You may be wondering what color wheel theory is at this point, NO worries! I got you covered! Let's briefly cover the basics...

You may have learned about the color wheel at some point in your life. I will assume that most people reading are beginners and will explain it as such. Within the color wheel, there are PRIMARY, SECONDARY, and TERTIARY colors.
  • PRIMARY COLORS: are colors that can’t be made by mixing other colors
    • Blue
    • Yellow
    • Red
  • SECONDARY COLORS: are a mixture of two primary colors
    • Blue + Red = Violet
    • Red + Yellow = Orange
    • Yellow + Blue = Green
  • TERTIARY COLORS: are a mixture of primary and secondary colors
    • Yellow (Primary color) + Orange (Secondary color) = Yellow-orange
    • Red (Primary color) + Orange (Secondary color) = Red-orange


Next let’s discuss the cool and warm sides of the color wheel…
  • Means the base of the shade is a blue tone
  • Example: there is a blue toned base to cool shades of purple
  • Means the base of the shade is a yellow tone
  • Example: there is a yellow toned base to warm shades of purple
If you look at the photo below, you can see the row of purples on your far upper right are cooler shades of purple (with a blue base). Now look two rows over at the lighter purples (to the right of the burgundy shadows) – notice how they are warmer shades of purple? That’s because yellow has been added to them to make them warmer.
Why should you care? Because, knowing which colors are complimentary opposites to your eye color will help you enhance your natural features. In general, just remember, that if you have brown eyes you want to look to the opposite side of the color wheel (notice how blue, green, and purple are on the opposite of brown below). If you have green or hazel eyes, look to the opposite side of the wheel and you find purples, plums, and earth tones.



  • Purple shadows
  • Plum shadows
  • Shimmery taupe colored shadows (with warm undertones)
  • Copper shadows (pull golden flecks forward and make green tones radiant)
  • Silver shadows

  • Medium & light brown eyes:
    • Purple shadows
    • Plum shadows
    • Green-gold shadows
    • Copper shadows
  • Dark brown eyes: vibrant blue and navy blue
  • With brown eyes in general you can really experiment with any color!

  • Purple shadows
  • Eggplant shadows
  • Warm neutral brown shadows
  • Gold shadows (pull golden flecks forward and make green tones radiant)
  • Bronze shadows (pull golden flecks forward and make green tones radiant)
  • Warm green shadows (brings forward green tones)

Many people have a hard time finding the right colors that work for their eyes, but if you can remember which colors go with your specific eye color then it makes life so much easier! This post is Part 1 of 2 posts. Next week I will be covering, Part 2: Eyeshadow Color Theory 101 For Blue & Yellow Eyes. Make sure you subscribe by email to my blog or follow my blog so that you can stay updated on all new postings! Click the video below for a full tutorial on how to create this purple smokey eye (plus a ton of tips and tricks!). Comment me and tell me if you found this helpful! I would love to hear from you :) Xoxo Amber Malei Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Wednesday 30 July 2014

Thinking of giving up on your dream?

The other day I randomly started chatting to a younger girl (18ish).  She told me about her hopes to be a fashion designer.  She spoke about the brands she loved, the colours, fabrics, her passion shone through immensly, practically bursting out of her veins.  It was so refreshing.  However, she then went on to tell me sadly all the reasons she wouldn't ever 'make it'.  "It is so competitive", "I live all the way up in Scotland, it all happens down south", "I don't have all the money to invest", "there is always somebody better".  As I sat and listened, I began to realise all these reasons were not actually her own, they had come from others.  And in fact were making her quite sad.

We spoke for about an hour.  I told her about my own experiences in fashion, in the end she promised to never give up and follow her dreams.  I gave her my email address and said "email me when you've made it".

This conversation resonated so much with my own experiences.  It is funny how the most random of meetings between people can mean so much.

I wondered how many of us give up on our dreams because of the thinking of others?  So many times people told me I couldn't.  You can't make it as a model, you can't live in London, you can't be successful on your own...  instead of taking on these thoughts as my own, I used it as amunition to prove them wrong.

You see I belive we all have that small flame inside,  call it passion, your dreams. What ever it is,  it's there for a reason.

Ever since I was small I've had a passion for entrepreneurship, it fascinated me. I would make peppermint icing animals, selling them outside my house. I set up stalls in my lane selling old toys, persuaded my mum to take me to car boot sales. I would often save my lunch money up so that I could buy something I really wanted. 

This passion branched in to the fashion industry and building my own business' through trial an error, mostly error.  When modelling I would question the photographers, the stylists, the owners of the brands... how did their business' work, how did they start? I wanted to be around successful people.  I watched my dad build his own businesses and saw his hard work and dedication.  Whenever I found something I loved there was no stopping me.

You see I think part of the problem, when it comes to SUCCESS, is that we might look at somebody successful like Richard Branson or Steve Jobs and see their huge successes, essentially their results. What we don't see is the journey they took to get there. The ups and downs, the determination, set backs, knock backs and many many failures.  Because when Richard Branson created Virgin, it didn't happen over night.  It took time.

So what I want to share with you are these amazing quotes and 'success principles' shall we call them that inspire me everyday to NEVER GIVE UP ON MY DREAMS!!!!

So never ever ever give up on your dreams!!!  They are there for a reason, and so are you :-)

Lots of love Ashly xxx

Friday 11 July 2014

Luxury Shopping Event Aberdeen Chester Hotel

I was kindly invited to attend a ladies luxury shopping evening at the new and fabulous Chester hotel in Aberdeen. Oh I couldn't possibly... Oh ok go on then ;-)

The event was being held by Multrees walk in Edinburgh, bringing their exclusive stores to the ladies of Aberdeen. Oh what a fabulous idea!

There were manicures by Nails inc, jewellery by Links of London. Who, by the way, gave us a FREE bracelet with an engraving of our choice, how nice is that? I chose 'Beautiful' because I think it is important to remind ourselves we are beautiful inside and out.  My cousin chose to have a special date engraved, which I think is a lovely idea :-)  There were also chocolates from the chocolatier to the queen and then there was Harvey Nichols.

Harvey Nic's brought a selection of shoes, garments and bags that you could actually buy on the evening.  Christian Louboutin shoes or Victoria Beckham dresses anyone? I sort of fell in love with a beautiful deep green Celine bag.

Mulberry were there too with the brand new and exclusive Cara Delevingne collection of beautiful bags and clutches.

I believe they will be holding more events like this in the future so ladies of Aberdeen keep your eyes peeled! It is an evening you don't want to miss.

Love Ashly xxx

Don't forget you can follow me on

Tuesday 8 July 2014

I can't wear that... My man doesn't like it

Over the past few weeks I have started to notice something which I want to discuss.  Over and over again I am hearing things like, oh I need to check with my husband first, my boyfriend doesn't like me in skinny jeans, I can't go there my husband wouldn't like it, I can't do that my husband says it is a bad idea and he says I don't have enough time, my boyfriend says I shouldn't wear pink lipstick.


Maybe this isn't anything new, it is just that I have started to notice it.  Of course when you are in a relationship you share and discuss big decisions, taking each others feelings in to consideration.  But in this instance I am referring to smaller/non life changing things... Do you really need approval over a pair of shoes?

It has left me wondering... are some of us women so concerned about pleasing our other halves that we are ok with loosing our own identities and opinions?

Maybe it is a lack of confidence? Is it that some don't trust our own choices and judgements? For me what I wear is my own decision, sure I would take advice now and again but I would never not buy something because a significant other told me not to... In fact I wouldn't even be with somebody who told me not to do something.

When I hear ladies say such things it makes me uneasy.  Perhaps because I have been in that situation, where I allowed another's opinions to overcome my own... that is somewhere I will never EVER go again.  Because guess what? It didn't make me happy, it might have made the other person happy but why would you want to be with somebody who is happy drowning you out? 

I wish somebody had said to me, Ashly get some balls (excuse the pun)... What the F are you doing?  I suppose I was young (well that's my excuse).

Because if something makes YOU happy that person should support you. Isn't that what relationships are about?  Support and encouraging each other to grow?

So here is me saying to anybody who needs it... Get some balls! Make your own choices, live a little and no matter what,  don't quieten your own inner voice!! It is there for a reason, so use it ;-) (that goes for men as well as women)

I will leave you with words from the amazing late great Nora Ephron...

I would love to hear your thoughts on this? Does this resonate with you or sound like somebody you know?

Lots of love  Ash xxxx

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Michael Kors Jet Set Wallet Pink and White

On the way back from California, I treated myself to this gorgeous Michael Kors Jet Set pink and white wallet. I loved the colours and the little wristlet.  Plus it was at duty free so I got the discount!

What do you think?

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Be You

Sometimes things happen to us that make us loose who we are or maybe we never really knew who we were in the first place.

But when you find yourself, never ever ever let that person go. 

Be wacky, be different, be weird, like country music, love boy bands, cuddling up on the couch when everyone else is going out, planting flowers, staying in and doing puzzles. Whatever it is, be you and don't be ashamed of it.

Never change so people will like you, be yourself and the right people will love the real you.

Yes, it is easier said than done, I am not perfect. Sometimes I catch myself agreeing with somebody and I'm like whaaaa? I don't agree with that. Learn from those moments.  I promise it will be worth it. Be YOU... sometimes we just need reminding :-)

Lots of love xxx

Saturday 14 June 2014

Update LA and VEGAS

Hi all, I know it has been a little while since I posted... But hopefully you will forgive me?

If you follow along with twitter(@AshlyLondon) or Instagram (@AshlyLondon) (if not why the devil not) then you will have see that I've been on my travels. I absolutely love travelling.

First stop was Las Vegas.  I was mainly there for a conference with my skincare company, which was incredible. But I gave myself an extra few days either side to relax.

The weather was perfect and I had an absolute blast. I feel so grateful that I get to go there every year for 'work'!!  I met some wonderful people and I can't wait to go back.

My second trip was to LA.  This was also for work and pleasure.  I had a ton of business meetings to attend and I was fortunate enough to spend a couple days at Newport beach which was absolutely beautiful. So peaceful and dreamy, I was definitely sad to leave.   You know it is funny, never once since I started this blog have I felt that I wanted to hold something back for myself, but this little trip I do (Hope y'all don't mind).

But I will say that if you are travelling to LA or anywhere near by I would say definitely take a trip to Laguna or New Port, it is 100% worth it.

I use to spend a lot of time travelling especially to the states and LA.  I didn't realise how much I missed that until I went back. The travel bug has well and truly returned :-)

I would love to hear where you are going on your summer hols... Go on make us jealous.

Sunday 25 May 2014

I work out....

Nothing gets me in the mood for working out faster than a fabulous new outfit! So with that in mind,  I trawled the internet for some new goodies and was actually really disappointed.  I couldn't find one place that had all the stylish gym gear I was looking for.

However, I did find some lovely bright pieces, which would get me to the gym in a jiffy!

I would absolutely love to know where you get your gym gear! Am I missing out on somewhere fantastic?

Friday 16 May 2014

Ultra Bond Lash Glue Challenge and Review

I was asked a couple of weeks ago to take part in the #ultrabondchallenge. We were sent the new Ultra Bond Strip lash glue (£12.95) and instructed to keep our lashes on all weekend, without removal. We took selfies along the way to document our progress.

UltraBond Strip Lashes Adhesive has been developed by Nouveau Lashes in association with the World’s leading experts in medical grade adhesives. This collaboration has spawned a new and superior lash adhesive that has amazing bonding strength as well as being non irritable (Latex free), heat and humidity resistant and suitable for use on natural and synthetic strip lashes.

The glue was very easy to use and the tube it comes in makes for easy application to the lashes. After applying glue to the fake lashes I would advice you wait at least 2-3 minutes before applying lashes to eyes, purely because the glue takes a while to get tacky.

Once dry the lashes will stay in place for at least 24 hours. Mine did start to come loose at the ends on the 2nd day, but for a whole day they were very secure.

Over all I really like the Ultrabond lash adhesive. Is it better than the duo false lash glue I am use to? I would say for longevity and security, yes.  I did feel more confident that the lashes would remain in place.

The only thing I didn't like about it was the sticky residue left on removal. I found my regular cleansers and eye makeup removers didn't take this off.  The one thing that did work was something more oily which I don't really like to use.  Something to bare in mind.

What eyelash glue to you use?

Don't forget you can follow me on

Monday 5 May 2014

How to keep fresh flying long haul

Hi all, sitting here at Heathrow waiting for my flight to Las Vegas and thought I'd let you know my top tips for feeling fresh and feeling fresh while flying long haul.

1. Lip balm. This is literally a life saver, with all that artificial air your lips take a battering so keep them topped up with moisture.

2. Water. What ever you do keep hydrated. Even if you don't feel thirsty drink water, you will feel 10 times better when you land.

3. Sleep. Try to make sure you sleep as much as possible on the flight.  My trick is to not get much sleep the night before, take an early flight and I end up falling asleep pretty quickly. It means that a) I feel more awake when I arrive and b) less jet lag.

4. Moisture moisture moisture. For your skin as well as your body. I apply plenty of Arbonne rejuvenating cream in the morning after my shower. Its lovely and rich but absorbs nicely. (Tub labelled RC in picture) Then I pop on either a tinted moisturiser or my latest love, Arbonne cc cream. It covers any imperfections but doesn't leave me feeling caked in makeup.

5. Spray it. Me of the best things I've found to keep me feeling really fresh when travelling on planes is a water mist or spray. I'm currently trying out the Arbonne advanced toner which is a spray on, lovely and refreshing.

And that's it!! Do you have any tips when travelling?


Wednesday 23 April 2014

REVIEW | Stila all over shimmer luminizer pink shimmer

With summer quickly creeping upon us and spring under way, a good illuminator is definitely needed to give us that gorgeous fresh dewy look. I was given the Stila all over shimmer Luminizer in pink shimmer from my gorgeous chummy over at

All Over Shimmer is a creamy, skin-enhancing luminizer that gives the skin a fresh, radiant glow. Soft focus pigments help diminish skin imperfections and minimize the appearance of fine lines and sun spots.

This luxurious formula can also be mixed into face lotion or your favorite Stila foundation for a touch of brightened radiance.

Normally I prefer a cream illuminator as I have found in the past applying a liquid one over a foundation or a powder bronzer can cause a mess.  However, I have had no such problem with this little beauty.

I put some on the back of my hand and either use a light brush or my finger tips to apply sparingly above my cheek bones.

I like the container and brush, it makes for no spills or waste.  It gives a lovly glow and is suitable for pale skin. The product is a cold tone, something to be aware of if you prefer warmer tones.

Have you tried this Stila shimmer? What luminators do you use?