
Wednesday 29 October 2014

To Tattoo or not to Tattoo that is the question

For a while now I have been thinking about getting a tattoo.  I know I know it is not a decision to be taken lightly.  Tattoos are for life, not just for Christmas ya know.  So where better to ask for the best advice but my readers?

I want a tattoo with meaning.  I want to look at it everyday and remind myself of the hard times I have been through, how I am so much stronger now than I have ever been.  I want it to give me strength.  Here are some ideas of what I want...

I like the idea of hearts and flying birds, for me they signify love, freedom, hope and power.

So what do you think?  Do you have any tattoos or would you get one?

Ashly xxx


  1. Iona Bellingham-Baird29 October 2014 at 13:16

    Tattoos are such a personal thing, I'd say if there's one design/idea in particular that you've wanted for ages it's probably something you'd continue to like. It's difficult to decide I have 3 tattoos now (I actually got two of them yesterday) but kept putting my first one off for years actually, I'm so glad I finally got it though! :) The birds are such a nice idea though!

  2. I have 4 tattoos so I'm definitely pro. My only thing would be to say is that if you have an idea of something you like - a meaning, design etc then sit on it for 6 months minimum. If you still like it after that 6 months then go for it, but you may find yourself changing your mind and then you know it's not for you. x

  3. I agree tattoos are very personal, I think if they mean something to the person then it's great, tattoos with no meaning are a bit pointless: love the birds and the tattoo at the top with the birds is really nice, I have four tattoos I love them all but I wouldn't have anymore and mine all mean something. Hope your happy with what you decide


  4. I'm a fan, especially pretty and dainty ones that mean something. There are always going to be people out there that don't like them and have an opinion, I think that's what tends to hold people back! You'll know when you come across something that you LOVE that it's the right design for you. I placed all of mine in discreet spots on my body so wouldn't know there were there unless you went looking for them! Each one marks a different point in my life and the experience was shared with someone. Flowers on my wrist with my sister (she got the same tattoo), Ross and I had a little bird and a line from our wedding vows on my side and recently my best friend and I had pretty little arrows on my other side to symbolise us going in different directions but ultimately always being there for one another. I'm sure they'll look really pretty on you!


  5. Thanks lovely! Those sound so sweet!! Do you have pics of them at all? xxx

  6. thanks for your input Laura :-) I love the birds too xxx

  7. great advice thank you doll!!!

  8. you got 2 yesterday? ha ha how funny :-) what did you get.. x

  9. That's ok xxx

  10. Interesting post, I really like tattoos but I don't have any myself...yet! I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin and GFC, if you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

  11. I would get one, a small one that had meaning... I almost got one last summer but other things came first :) Maybe this summer ;)

    I think if you want one, you should get one, it sounds like you want something which has meaning, not a passing fancy ;)

  12. I like them I have two. I would t pick a desgu from Pinterest though, the ones above are nice but it's horrid when someone has the same as you so design it yourself

  13. Love this post!! Tattoos are completely personal for the person getting it so saying you want it to have meaning, it absolutely will, meaning to you. I have 6 tattoos and they have all meant something to me. I got a great one in Thailand when I was traveling and then a second one when I got home to commemorate my backpacking adventure. I say go for it!


I love reading all your comments :-) contact me on twitter @AshlyLondon I would love to chat with you xxx