
Friday 31 January 2014

Sometimes you just need something to make you happy

We all have those days when it feels like the wind and rain is constantly blowing in your face, wondering when the sun will start to shine.  When I have a day like this it can be so difficult to remain positive.  One thing that always cheers me up is some cute animal pictures, it makes me realise how amazing nature is and yo look outside of myself.

So with this in mind I thought I would share some of my favourite animal pictures....

 My first dog was a labrador called Ben so this breed always has a special place in my heart :-)

 There is something about babies and dogs together that makes me go awwww.

  Dogs do the funniest of things

This is just incredible to see, an adorable but unlikely friendship.

 Another unlikely friendship. This is Milo the 7 year old Daschund, he took Bonedigger the disabled Lion in to his protection as a cub.  They have been the best of friends ever since. Bonedigger even lets Milo clean his teeth after a meal!

What cheers you up on one of 'those' days?

Ashly xx

Don't forget you can follow me on


  1. These pictures are so cute! Love the lion one last, so cute. xx

  2. OMG the Husky with the little boy awwww xx

  3. I know adorable!! makes me smile x

  4. I love looking at animal pictures, they always make me smile and go awe... so adorable... I adore these pictures Ashly:)

  5. Aww these are so cute, perfect Saturday morning hangover post for me!

  6. me too! glad you like them xxx


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