
Saturday 30 November 2013

John Lewis Secret Santa goodies

Hello all you lovely people.  It's December tomorrow!!! oooooh

I was really lucky to be asked to take part in the John Lewis Secret Santa. We were chosen a blogger and had to pick an item for them from a selection of gifts on the John Lewis website.  My blogger was Liza from Glam Beautys and I was so pleased she liked her gift.

We were then told our own gift was being sent and I was really excited.  The postman arrived with a big John Lewis parcel so I knew this was my gift!! I pulled open the wrapper and found a beautiful white leather Mango bag*.  It is so pretty, the perfect size and shape for me and I didn't have a plain white bag so yay!

Mango Shopper Handbag £24.49*

Then a day later, again came the delivery man.  I thought it was a mistake but it was another parcel for me!!  This time I tore open the package and it was the Nails Inc Christmas crackers* which are so gorgeous and sparkly.  Now this would make the perfect Christmas gift.  The nail polish colours are fab, there is a great variety from blue to red glitter and they are names after places in London, how cool!!  What I really love is the little girly quote that comes in each cracker.. how cute!!

Nails Inc Christmas Crackers Collection £26.55*

Thank you so much to John Lewis for including me in this years Secret Santa, it was so much fun.  And thank you to Liza from Glam Beauty's for selecting such great gifts for me :-)


  1. Wow, that bag is gorgeous and those crackers are genius! xo

  2. All those lovely nail polishes!!!! The bags really pretty too.

    Claudia xx | Beauty and the Chic

  3. he he I know they are dreamy crackers for a blogger xmas party!

  4. I know I can't wait to try the polishes x


I love reading all your comments :-) contact me on twitter @AshlyLondon I would love to chat with you xxx