
Tuesday 17 September 2013

How to Pose for Photos like a Pro

Every wondered how do I pose like a model or how do I pose for photos? After a recent #fbloggers (fashion bloggers) chat on twitter I realised how many people are unsure of how to pose on camera when taking pictures for their blog or just in general. It comes naturally to some but not to everyone (me included). I have spent years working at it and will share all my tips with you to get you pose perfect!

The first thing to do is practice, mirrors are great for this. Take as long as you like trying out different facial expressions and angles to see when you look best. Experiment with your body poses too. Another great way to practice is with the camera on your phone, you get the results straight away and can really experiment with your angles and expressions.

Here are a few things to think about

Less is more
Huge expressions with wide open mouths or face hurting grins can be good for comedy value but if you want to pose like a pro think small. The camera will pick up the slightest glint in your eye or pout of the lip so you don't need any grand gestures, everything is magnified behind the lens.

It's all in the eyes
This is mostly true for close up shots and beauty, but if you are focusing on fashion photographs for your blog don't worry too much about this at first. However, if you are doing close ups, the eyes do matter. The best way to express through your eyes is to feel the emotion on the inside and like magic it will be portrayed in your eyes. For example if you want a sultry look imagine you are looking at Harry Styles (if you are in to one direction) and that you are trying to 'woo' him! If you are portraying a powerful woman think of something which makes you feel strong and invincible. Playing music with the right mood can really help with this.

Angles are really important in photography and modelling. They can be the difference between making a 6ft tall amazonian beauty look like a toadstool! So if you are doing body shots have the camera a little lower and angle it upwards towards you, this will make you look taller and slimmer.  Do the 'knee bend', try standing sideways with the leg furthest from the camera slightly bent, this should make your legs look fab!

Arms can be awkward things. Where do I put my arms when I am posing? The easiest thing to do is have somewhere to put them, in a pocket or hanging of a belt loop. Use your arms and hands to express emotion. If you are wearing a lovely summery dress throw them in the air 'yay for summer', if your wrapped up warm for winter cross your arms over your body to keep warm.  I know it can sometimes feel like these limbs are spare parts when modelling so use props too, either in your surroundings like a fence or flowers or within your outfit like a bag or umbrella.

The best way to get tips is to look at pictures in fashion magazines or online, how are the models posing? Asos is great for this, especially if you are a fashion blogger. You will find an abundance of different stances you can try out. A great trick is to but your hands on your waist, this will actually make your waist look smaller. And if you are doing close up pictures of your face, use your hands to frame your face and bring in something extra. Your hair is great for this.

Where do I look?
To get the full beauty of your eyes keep your eyeline straight ahead. For example, if you are facing the camera look straight down the lens or just above it. Or if your head is turned to the side look in to the direction and level that you are facing.

Try to remember there can be hundreds of shots taken before you get that one perfect picture so just keep trying and I promise you will be a pro in no time!!

I will be doing a youtube video with a more in depth tutorial soon so let me know if you have any questions needing answered :-)

Ashly xx

Don't forget you can follow me on


  1. Yaaay thank you so much for this post! I've just been sat here practicing my 'sultry' look haha! I never thought to look on places like Asos but they are places to get good tips from the pro's! :) Thanks so much for writing this up, can't wait to see the video too!
    Saadiya x

  2. Amazing post. I don't do so many outfit posts due to the fact that I don't have a good camera set up and I am fearful of looking ridiculous posing so this has helped and inspired me a little! :)

    Peach Pow XO

  3. Aww great! Glad you found it helpful... keep practicing, can't wait to see the results!! he he x

  4. thats good. I am pleased it has inspired you a little. Always worth practicing for the future. It might help a little with posing at blogger events too x

  5. Love this post - really interesting and great tips for everyone!

  6. thanks love! glad you like it x

  7. This is really helpful, thank you!


  8. These are good tips Ashly... I will be trying a few of these out, the more weight I lose... :)

  9. When we move house and have nicer backgrounds I want to do some fashion posts, so these tips have come in really handy :)

    Thanks Ashly.

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

  10. thank you!! look forward to maybe seeing some of your pics in the future x

  11. it is definitely worth experimenting, with and without the camera on :-)

  12. thats great Louise! let me know when you do them x

  13. so glad you found it helpful xxx


I love reading all your comments :-) contact me on twitter @AshlyLondon I would love to chat with you xxx