
Monday 23 September 2013

5 BEAUTY Pet Peeves!

Who doesn't enjoy a good rant every now and again? My chosen subject today is beauty and the beauty industry. There are so many things I love about this industry but here are somethings which get on my wick...

1. The nail polish on your toes lasting soooo much longer than it does on your finger nails! How annoying is it when you go for a mani/pedi and by day 3 your finger nails are looking less than perfect but your toes are still fandabadozy for the next 4 weeks. What are you suppose to do? Paint your finger nails the same matching colour for all that time?

2. Products that don't do what they say on the tin. Why say a product doubles the length of your eyelashes when it is nothing more than a wand in some black goop and does absolutely nothing of the sort. Surely it is obvious that people who buy it will be peeved when they find out it doesn't do what it is suppose to! Needless to say they will not repurchase or recommend it to a friend. On another note... do not advertise your product as a gentle makeup remover if it is going to sting my eyes like high heaven when I put it on!

3. Products that smell so strong you can taste the fragrance. Who wants to put anything on their lips that smells like it has just come out of a Tommy Girl perfume spray? Seriously? I sure don't.

4. Overpricing. You see that a brand is advertising their latest glitter nail polish and think oooh that is beautiful but can I justify the £18 price tag? No, let me tell you that you can't because the chances are that you can pop in to your local boots or superdrug and pick up the exact same formula or something very similar in a different bottle for £2.50.

5. Ridiculous advertising. There you are sitting watching the x factor when on comes an advert for the latest anti aging cream, not only are the people in the advert super models but they are about 22. Come on... do you really expect us to believe that a) these girls have used this product for said time before filming the advert giving them such beautiful complexions and b) that these girls actually had any wrinkles to begin with!

what are your pet peeves beauties? I would love to hear about them.

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  1. Love this post!!! Especially the last one though, I hate seeing girls younger than myself (even while at 26 I'm not exactly ancient) advertising moisturisers etc that are targeted at a 40+ market! Yes they have perfect skin but do they really believe consumers to be so naive that they will look at these girls half their age and think "wow, I can look just like that if I buy this £40 cream". Love a good rant, great post :)

    Lisa x

  2. Oh i hate number 1 too, so frustrating you can have wonderful looking toes for weeks and horrid fingernails in sometimes a few hours ahh!
    sometimes its good to have a moan :)

    Frankie xXx

  3. Are those my nails you pictured? They look like that every other day. Also, no 3 is even worse with men's products. I can taste CI's aftershave just from being in the same room as him.

  4. Ashly my dear you hit the nail on the head on all of them... I am so with you especially the one about lying about the product... really? People talk, they will never use it again, nor will their friends...

  5. ha ha! Good job you are not a beauty blogger or you would be put i jail!!

  6. i know it is so frustrating!! I am so glad that you agree :-)

  7. ha ha exactly!! lets be realistic with the marketing people!! glad you liked the post lovely xx

  8. Haha your post made me laugh as it's just like you read my thoughts on beauty hates! So if I think like this & you do there most be many of us with these hates! The nail polish & beauty advertising actually wind me up quite badly!

  9. THIS. Especially #2. "Gentle" Eye Makeup Remover. Gentle compared to what exactly? Bleach? Battery Acid? UGH Ultimate pet peeve. Great little post !

    Kate Xx

  10. YES! To all of the above. Brilliant post - and I especially hate when they combine ridiculous advertising AND overpricing! Because we all know the model's lashes didn't really grow to 4x their natural length, and charging 4x the price still isn't going to convince us!!

    Amy |

  11. you are so right!

    and why does mascara say 'long-lasting', then run down my face by lunch time? infuriating!

  12. Exactly Shelley and I problem shared is a problem halved ha ha!1

  13. exactly! there is one i can think of that is suppose to be as gentle as tears... definitley not my tears!

  14. long lasting for who I ask?! not anyone who is actually awake!

  15. Great post I totally agree I always use a top coat but my polish still dose not last as long as I want it too! x

  16. I recently did my pet peeves too and I have to agree with all yours as well, my list could have gone on forever! Overpricing really gets on my wick too, or exchange rates - if something costs £5 in the UK, why are we getting charged €9 for it in Ireland?! x

  17. Hahaha! It's only long-lasting if you want to remove it :D

  18. Lol @ number five. Sometimes, they're so bad that they're good though!


    Confessions Of A City Girl / Enerjiee

  19. I totally agree with everything. I really hate that I the polish on my fingers always chips after three days, and I agree with hating those ridiculous claims.

    Making It Sparkle


I love reading all your comments :-) contact me on twitter @AshlyLondon I would love to chat with you xxx