
Thursday 6 June 2013

My Cycle in The Country on a Sunny Day!

It was so sunny and gorgeous the other day that I really wanted to go for a cycle. Except I didn't want to go for a cycle. You know that feeling? You just have to force yourself to get on the friggin' door. And once you are out and on your way it becomes a lot easier and you actually sometimes start to enjoy yourself!

So there is actually no place better to go for a cycle than in the countryside. It is quite, the air is clear, all the nature and you can really just enjoy the scenery. I have found in the few times that I have been recently it has really got me out of my comfort zone and helped me relax and enjoy the moment. 

I mean what gets better than this?

I went along an old railway line and came across some really cute little old rail vehicle thing. I don't know what it is but I love it. And this white picket railway fence is adorable. It reminds me of something you would see in Anne of Green Gables.

 The sky was so blue and the temperature just right. It couldn't have been a better day. I stopped for a little rest beside this burn. It was so lovely.

I love this cute little road. The houses are a pastel pink and look very much like the type of houses you might see in America.

Despite literally having to drag myself out of the front door, I had a great time and I can't wait for the next sunny day (and for my legs to recover) to go for another one. Wow some exercise I finally enjoyed!!!

What do you think lovelies? 
Is cycling something you like to do? 
What else do you do for exercise? Let me know below x

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  1. I'd say, today is one of those days. Get on yer bike love!! xx btw Very nice pics.

  2. I've not cycled since I was 10 and would love to get back into it, all I need is a bike :| Lovely pictures and it looks like a great day was had x

  3. I used to cycle all the time but gave it up when I moved to a really small place and I had no place to store my bike... boy I miss it... Not so sure I could drive a bike now... :)


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