
Thursday 13 June 2013

Clearing out.. What are this?

I have been busy clearing out an old wardrobe of mine that I literally haven't looked in for 10 years. Yes 10 years! Crazy or whaa? But the time came when it was needed so the clearout began.  I am not saying I had fun doing it but I did find some great treasures along with some what the hell was I thinking moments (plenty of those). So the fun came from the memories of old diaries and crazy letters written between friends.

So I thought I would share with you some of my finds in a trip down memory lane...

I have to say that I am really glad I got the time to look through my old things. It's funny looking at them again after so long and seeing them with a totally different perspective. It was great to remind myself who I was, what I liked and what I thought about when I was younger. After all it made me who I am today.

I would love to know if you remember any of these things?

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  1. omg pogs!! I wonder where all mine have gone?! Do you remember those Tazo's you got with walkers crisps as well!! And I totally still have my Dawson's Creek CD too lol.

    Ash :-)

    1. I do remember the TAzo's lol. I was a bit disappointed when the dawsons creek cd wasn't in the case tbh :-9(

  2. Wow, it was looking back at my room from ten years ago (I didn't have a playstation but a gameboy and still have). I also have Miss Slefridge nail varnish in a shimmer blue which is now back in fashion. I miss my early twenties lol

    1. ha ha. I think I do have a game boy somewhere. Still got lots more clearing out to do... It is so funny seeing the things again after so long x

  3. Omg pogs! I used to collect these, not seen them in years. Sanamatha mumba too, takes me back


    1. ha ha... yes Samantha mumba I loved her song.

  4. A PLAYSTATION. I want one SO BAD! I'm so jealous that you found one stashed away. I miss playing Spyro and Crash Bandicoot!x

    1. lol... just to make you more jelous I have the original Nintendo too. The games are HUGE xx

  5. Ahhhh!! Two nail polishes from Miss Selfridges and the one with the black and gold top is from Tammy Girl! I had so many of them!! X

    1. Tammy girl lol yes! that name brings back memories.

  6. I remember pogs, the play station... ring watches... interesting how things have changed over the years... nice to be nostalgic about these items though :)

    1. I know definitely. I love a bit of nostalga. Wish the ring watch still worked though, I would definitely wear it x

  7. OMG. POOOOOOGGGGGGS!!!! I had completely forgotten about these! I wonder if Craig has read this??? Is mum dressed as an elf?

    1. I loved pogs. I gave them a go when I found them, was actually quite an art. Craig probably has not read this and no that is Mrs Clause not Elfy mum x

  8. Oh when CDs had the video on CD-ROM ha! I remember those miss selfridge nail polishes too, did you ever have Glitz & Glam I remember buying them from the corner shop with money that was supposed to be for sweets! I;m sure they were 50p each...bargain! xx

  9. This is so cute haha! The little thumb watch? I'm sure I have one of those and all the old make-up mine looked so similar! So lovely I wish I have a narnia cupboard like that with all my old stuff in!

    Jamie-Lee | Glitter Infatuation | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog!

  10. OMG pogssssssss!!!!! And the hard plastic ones were called slammers! You really have not cleared your wardrobe out in years!! Flashback of the decade! X


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