
Friday 15 March 2013

REVIEW - Garnier Olia Permanent Hair Colour 7.0 Dark Blonde

Time to dye my beautiful sisters hair again!! You can see my efforts last time with Garnier Olia 7.13 Dark Beige Blonde this time she chose Garnier Olia 7.0 in Dark Blonde.  So not a massively different colour but interesting to see the difference.

This permanent hair colour is very easy to use. She chose it again because it really doesn't smell much at all which is a revelation compared to some stinky hair dyes.  Perhaps it is due to the fact it has no amonida. Which is a plus.

The kit comes with gloves and a handy push out section in the box to hold the dye container in place while you empty the solutions in to it. This means less chance of it slipping out your hands and goig all over the floor.

After mixing the solutions I begin to seperate her hair and make sure it is totally covered in the solution. There was a bit left in the bottle but I felt her hair was totally covered and didn't need the last bit. At this point I was feeling a bit more confident than last time, it was my first time ever dying someones hair. Although this time my sis was going to a wedding the next day so it wouldn't have been great if she had ended up looking like a striped giraffe.

30 minutes later we were ready to wash this stuff out. It had left a little brown stain on the towel so maybe use a darker one (we used white - oops). Head over the bath and rinsed until the water ran clear at that point I applied the supplied conditioner which there is a lot of. Probably enough for 3 washes. The condititioner is very good and leaves your hair super silky.

Fortunately there was no sign of giraffe hair but beautiful shiny locks. The colour definitely has more of a slight auburn tone to it.

So another success! Whoop Whoop I will be opening my own salon soon!

What do you think?


  1. Great review, I've always wanted to try this brand, I would expect the dye to be more blonde tho.. wonder what would happen on brunette hair


    1. Hiya. Yes it definitely is not that blonde at all as you can see in the pics. I expect it may go a honey/auburn colour if you are brunette x

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  4. So naturally! I would never think that your hair color isn't native! Cool


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