
Thursday 7 February 2013

Goodbye Caviar and Velvet Nails Hello Feather Manicure!!

So last year I fell a little bit in love with caviar manicures. They looked so new and different.

The Velvet manicure is still fairly new but there is already another manicure trend brewing for 2013...

The Feather Manicure!!

photo curtesy of

Nails Inc Feather Manicure

These come in Edinburgh Feathers, Chester Feathers, Cornwall Feathers, York Feathers.

They give a 3D effect by using small peices of confetti (feather) like pieces in different colours.

What do you think? Will you be trying it?


  1. I won't be trying it - I'm getting bored of all the gimmicky products they're bringing out tbh x

  2. They look interesting! Not sure if all the little bits might just catch on things even woth top coat. I do love the blue though

    I have tagged you in a post - would be great to hear back from you


I love reading all your comments :-) contact me on twitter @AshlyLondon I would love to chat with you xxx