
Thursday 24 January 2013

My first Award Nomination :-)

Thank you to Michelle from Luxe Life Aspirations who has tagged me for this fun award.

It is a great way to get to know your fellow bloggers and spread the word about each others blogs.

So here are the rules:

1. Write 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer your nominators 11 questions
3. Nominate 5 other bloggers
4. Ask those nominated 11 new questions

11 facts about me

1. I have never ever dyed my hair ever
2. I was born in Scotland
3. I am totally obsessed with Friends (the tv show)
4. I love Instagram (AshlyLondon) and take pictures of just about anything. I then look back and see what I did each day.
5. I auditioned for the film 'Loch Ness' with Ted Dansen when I was 8
6. I have the cutest nephew in the world
7. I let me dog sleep on my bed
8. I have made my own short films
9. I trained as an Actress in LA
10. I was in a film with the hot guy from Twilight
11. I can't think of anything else for now

My answers to Michelle's Questions
  1. What do you want to be doing 5 years from now?  (I need some inspiration!) Working for myself and doing what ever I like when I like :-)
  2. What’s your favourite fashion obsession?  (shoes or bags or both…) cute + comfy jumpers
  3. What other hobbies do you have besides from blogging?  Shopping is a hobby right?
  4. Motto in life? Be yourself and be true to who you are.
  5. How many pairs of shoes do you own?  (Do you know?) I am always buying and selling shoes so it is hard to keep track. Probably around 20
  6. What food could you happily eat for the rest of your life? Warm freshly baked bread with butter
  7. What’s your favourite cosmetic brand? Estee Lauder, although it changes from month to month
  8. Biggest vice?
  9. Books or magazines? Magazines I love to read when I want to zone out but books I read when I want to learn something
  10. What is your favourite item of clothing? My ugg boots (not really clothing but they are so cosy and comfy and there is a foot of snow outside)
  11. What do you order in Starbucks/Costa etc.? Costa Vanilla Late is my favourite :-)

My nominations are:

Clare - SparklySexyCool
Chloe - Chloe's Makeup Room
Melissa - Fashionlaceworld
Lisa - Thedarksideofcelebritty
Manen - Fitness Makeup and Fashion

And my questions are:

1. What made you start blogging?
2. If you could have any job for a day what would it be?
3. Who is your style icon?
4. What one item of clothing do you wish you had the guts to wear?
5. If you could buy any fashion or beauty item what would it be and why
6. What is the best thing you have learned from someone elses blog?
7. Where is your favourite place to shop?
8. High Street or designer?
9. iPhone or Blackberry?
10. What is your favourite desert?
11. What most inspires you?

Make sure you comment with a link to your responses ladies :-)

Lots of Love Ashly xxx


  1. Thanks for doing this! I really like your 5 year plan :)

    1. Thanks :-) I like to be as detailed as I can ha ha xx

  2. My response post :) thanks for tagging me! xxx


I love reading all your comments :-) contact me on twitter @AshlyLondon I would love to chat with you xxx